PHP - Manual: fdf_open
(PHP 4, PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL fdf SVN)
fdf_open — Open a FDF document
Opens a file with form data.
You can also use fdf_open_string() to process the results of a PDF form POST request.
Path to the FDF file. This file must contain the data as returned from a PDF form or created using fdf_create() and fdf_save().
Returns a FDF document handle, or false
on error.
示例 #1 Accessing the form data
// Save the FDF data into a temp file
$fdffp = fopen("test.fdf", "w");
fwrite($fdffp, $HTTP_FDF_DATA, strlen($HTTP_FDF_DATA));
// Open temp file and evaluate data
$fdf = fdf_open("test.fdf");
/* ... */