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PHP - Manual: ifx_fetch_row



(PHP 4, PHP 5 < 5.2.1)

ifx_fetch_rowGet row as an associative array


ifx_fetch_row ( resource $result_id [, mixed $position ] ) : array

Fetches one row of data from the result associated with the specified result identifier.

Subsequent calls to ifx_fetch_row() would return the next row in the result set, or FALSE if there are no more rows.



result_id is a valid resultid returned by ifx_query() or ifx_prepare() (select type queries only!).


An optional parameter for a "fetch" operation on "scroll" cursors: NEXT, PREVIOUS, CURRENT, FIRST, LAST or a number. If you specify a number, an "absolute" row fetch is executed. This parameter is optional, and only valid for SCROLL cursors.


Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.

Blob columns are returned as integer blob id values for use in ifx_get_blob() unless you have used ifx_textasvarchar(1) or ifx_byteasvarchar(1), in which case blobs are returned as string values.


Example #1 Informix fetch rows

ifx_prepare ("select * from emp where name like " $name,
if (! 
$rid) {
/* ... error ... */
$rowcount ifx_affected_rows($rid);
if (
$rowcount 1000) {
printf ("Too many rows in result set (%d)\n<br />"$rowcount);
    die (
"Please restrict your query<br />\n");
if (! 
ifx_do ($rid)) {
/* ... error ... */
$row ifx_fetch_row ($rid"NEXT");
while (
is_array($row)) {
    for (
reset($row); $fieldname=key($row); next($row)) {
$fieldvalue $row[$fieldname];
printf ("%s = %s,"$fieldname$fieldvalue);
printf("\n<br />");
$row ifx_fetch_row($rid"NEXT");
ifx_free_result ($rid);
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User Contributed Notes 1 note

rpuchalsky at att dot net
18 years ago
If you use a select statement that
identifies fields according to which
table they come from, i.e.

select tab1.name, tab2.phone from
tab1, tab2
where tab1.id = tab2.id

then the associative keys of the array returned by ifx_fetch_row will not include the table names.  For the example above, if you used

$row = ifx_fetch_row ($rid);

then the first field in the
returned array would be $row["name"],
not $row["tab1.name"] .


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