PHP - Manual: ingres_unbuffered_query
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ingres_unbuffered_query — Send an unbuffered SQL query to Ingres
, string $query
[, array $params
[, string $types
]] ) : mixed
ingres_unbuffered_query() sends the given
to the Ingres server.
The query becomes part of the currently open transaction. If there is no open transaction, ingres_unbuffered_query() opens a new transaction. To close the transaction, you can call either ingres_commit() to commit the changes made to the database or ingres_rollback() to cancel these changes. When the script ends, any open transaction is rolled back (by calling ingres_rollback()). You can also use ingres_autocommit() before opening a new transaction to have every SQL query immediately committed. Ingres allows only a single unbuffered statement to be active at any one time. The extension will close any active unbuffered statements before executing any SQL. In addition you cannot use ingres_result_seek() to position the row before fetching.
Note: Related Configurations
See also the ingres.describe and ingres.utf8 directives in Runtime Configuration.
The connection link identifier
A valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference guide) in the Ingres documentation. See the query parameter in ingres_query() for a list of SQL statements that cannot be executed via ingres_unbuffered_query().
Data inside the query should be properly escaped.
An array of parameter values to be used with the query
A string containing a sequence of types for the parameter values passed. See the types parameter in ingres_query() for the list of type codes.
ingres_unbuffered_query() returns a query result identifier when
there are rows to fetch; else it returns FALSE
when there are no rows, as
is the case of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. To see if an error
occurred, use ingres_errno(),
ingres_error(), or
Example #1 Issue a simple un-buffered select
$link = ingres_connect("demodb");
$result = ingres_unbuffered_query($link, "select * from user_profile");
while ($row = ingres_fetch_row($result)) {
echo $row[1];
echo $row[2];
Example #2 Passing query parameters to ingres_unbuffered_query()
$link = ingres_connect("demodb");
$params[] = "Emma";
$query = "select * from user_profile where up_first = ?";
$result = ingres_unbuffered_query($link, $query, $params);
while ($row = ingres_fetch_row($result)) {
echo $row[1];
echo $row[2];
Example #3 Inserting a BLOB with parameter types
$link = ingres_connect("demodb");
//Open a photo
$fh = fopen("photo.jpg","r");
$blob_data = stream_get_contents($fh);
//Prepare parameters
$params[] = $blob_data;
$params[] = 1201;
//Define parameter types
$param_types = "Bi";
$query = "update user_profile set up_image = ? where up_id = ?";
$result = ingres_unbuffered_query($link, $query , $params, $param_types);
if (ingres_errno())
echo ingres_errno() . "-" . ingres_error() . "\n";