Please note that the 'cast to array' check is horrendously out of date.
Running that code against PHP 5.6 results in this:
is_array : 0.93975400924683
cast, === : 1.2425191402435
So, please use 'is_array', not the horrible casting hack.
PHP - Manual: is_array
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
is_array — 检测变量是否是数组
如果 var
是 array,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
参见 is_float()、is_int()、is_integer()、is_string() 和 is_object()。
Please note that the 'cast to array' check is horrendously out of date.
Running that code against PHP 5.6 results in this:
is_array : 0.93975400924683
cast, === : 1.2425191402435
So, please use 'is_array', not the horrible casting hack.
Or you could make use of the array_diff_key and array_key function:
function is_assoc($var)
return is_array($var) && array_diff_key($var,array_keys(array_keys($var)));
function test($var)
echo is_assoc($var) ? "I'm an assoc array.\n" : "I'm not an assoc array.\n";
// an assoc array
$a = array("a"=>"aaa","b"=>1,"c"=>true);
// an array
$b = array_values($a);
// an object
$c = (object)$a;
// other types
The above code outputs:
I'm an assoc array.
I'm not an assoc array.
I'm not an assoc array.
I'm not an assoc array.
I'm not an assoc array.
I'm not an assoc array.
Yet another simpler, faster is_assoc():
function is_assoc($array) {
foreach (array_keys($array) as $k => $v) {
if ($k !== $v)
return true;
return false;
In my tests it runs about twice as fast as Michael/Gabriel's array_reduce() method.
(Speaking of which: Gabriel's version doesn't work as written; it reports associative arrays as numeric if only the first key is non-numeric, or if the keys are numeric but ordered backwards. Michael solves this problem by comparing array_reduce() to count(), but that costs another function call; it also works to just compare to -1 instead of 0, and therefore return -1 as the ternary else from the callback).
I've found a faster way of determining an array. If you use is_array() millions of times, you will notice a *huge* difference. On my machine, this method takes about 1/4 the time of using is_array().
Cast the value to an array, then check (using ===) if it is identical to the original.
if ( (array) $unknown !== $unknown ) {
echo '$unknown is not an array';
} else {
echo '$unknown is an array';
You can use this script to test the speed of both methods.
What's faster for determining arrays?
$count = 1000000;
$test = array('im', 'an', 'array');
$test2 = 'im not an array';
$test3 = (object) array('im' => 'not', 'going' => 'to be', 'an' => 'array');
$test4 = 42;
// Set this now so the first for loop doesn't do the extra work.
$i = $start_time = $end_time = 0;
$start_time = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (!is_array($test) || is_array($test2) || is_array($test3) || is_array($test4)) {
echo 'error';
$end_time = microtime(true);
echo 'is_array : '.($end_time - $start_time)."\n";
$start_time = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (!(array) $test === $test || (array) $test2 === $test2 || (array) $test3 === $test3 || (array) $test4 === $test4) {
echo 'error';
$end_time = microtime(true);
echo 'cast, === : '.($end_time - $start_time)."\n";
echo "\nTested $count iterations."
Prints something like:
What's faster for determining arrays?
is_array : 7.9920151233673
cast, === : 1.8978719711304
Tested 1000000 iterations.
hperrin's results have indeed changed in PHP 7. The opposite is now true, is_array is faster than comparison:
is_array : 0.52148389816284
cast, === : 0.84179711341858
Tested 1000000 iterations.
The next post is not correct because has problems with blank array index:
The next code use the above link php code
function is_assoc($var)
return is_array($var) && array_diff_key($var,array_keys(array_keys($var)));
function test($var)
echo is_assoc($var) ? "I'm an assoc array.\n" : "I'm not an assoc array.\n";
// an assoc array
$a = array("a"=>"aaa","b"=>1,"c"=>true);
// maybe assoc array?
$b = array(0 => "aaa", 1 => 1, 3 => true); // Index 2 not exist
# Output
I'm an assoc array.
I'm an assoc array.
"Associative arrays are arrays that use named keys that you assign to them."
function is_assoc(array $array)
return count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_string')) > 0;
function test(array $array)
echo is_assoc($array) ? "I'm an assoc array.\n" : "I'm not an assoc array.\n";
// an assoc array
$a = array("a"=>"aaa","b"=>1,"c"=>true);
// an array
$b = array(0=>"aaa",1=>1,3=>true);
# Output
I'm an assoc array.
I'm not an assoc array.
If you want check pure assoc. array replace > 0 by === count($array)
alex frase's example is fast but elanthis at awesomeplay dot com's example is faster and Ilgar's modification of alex's code is faulty (the part " || $_array[$k] !== $v"). Also, Ilgar's suggestion of giving a false return value when the variable isnt an array is not suitable in my opinion and i think checking if the array is empty would also be a suitable check before the rest of the code runs.
So here's the modified (is_vector) version
function is_vector( &$array ) {
if ( !is_array($array) || empty($array) ) {
return -1;
$next = 0;
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
if ( $k !== $next ) return true;
return false;
and the modified (alex's is_assoc) version
function is_assoc($_array) {
if ( !is_array($_array) || empty($array) ) {
return -1;
foreach (array_keys($_array) as $k => $v) {
if ($k !== $v) {
return true;
return false;
function is_associate_array($array)
return $array === array_values($array);
or you can add check is_array in functions
yousef's example was wrong because is_vector returned true instead of false if the key was found
here is the fixed version (only 2 lines differ)
function is_vector( &$array ) {
if ( !is_array($array) || empty($array) ) {
return -1;
$next = 0;
foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) {
if ( $k !== $next ) return false;
return true;
is_assoc() Benchmark:
function is_assoc1($array) {
if (!is_array($array)) return false;
$i = count($array);
while ($i > 0) unset($array[--$i]);
return (bool)$array;
function is_assoc2(&$array) {
if (!is_array($array)) return false;
$i = count($array);
while ($i > 0) {
if (!isset($array[--$i])) return true;
return false;
function is_assoc3(&$array) {
if (!is_array($array)) return false;
$i = count($array);
while ($i > 0) {
if (!array_key_exists(--$i, $array)) return true;
return false;
function is_assoc4($array) {
if (!is_array($array)) return false;
foreach (array_keys($array) as $k => $v) {
if ($k !== $v) return true;
return false;
function is_assoc5(&$array) {
return is_array($array) && array_diff_key($array, array_keys($array));
$arr1 = array(); // not associative
$arr2 = $arr3 = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo'); // not associative
asort($arr3); // not associative, shuffled keys
$arr4 = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'bar', null, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'foo'); // not associative but is_assoc2() thinks it is
$arr5 = array(0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz', 3 => 'foo', 4 => 'bar', 5 => 'baz', 'foo3' => 'foo', 'bar3' => 'bar', 'baz3' => 'baz', 'foo4' => 'foo'); // associative
$i = $j = 0;
$time = array(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for ($j = 0; $j < 2000; $j++) {
$time[0] -= microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
if (is_assoc1($arr1) || is_assoc1($arr2) || is_assoc1($arr3) || is_assoc1($arr4) || !is_assoc1($arr5)) {
echo 'error';
$time[0] += microtime(true);
$time[1] -= microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
if (is_assoc2($arr1) || is_assoc2($arr2) || is_assoc2($arr3) || !is_assoc2($arr4) || !is_assoc2($arr5)) { // $arr4 tweaked
echo 'error';
$time[1] += microtime(true);
$time[2] -= microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
if (is_assoc3($arr1) || is_assoc3($arr2) || is_assoc3($arr3) || is_assoc3($arr4) || !is_assoc3($arr5)) {
echo 'error';
$time[2] += microtime(true);
$time[3] -= microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
if (is_assoc4($arr1) || is_assoc4($arr2) || is_assoc4($arr3) || is_assoc4($arr4) || !is_assoc4($arr5)) {
echo 'error';
$time[3] += microtime(true);
$time[4] -= microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
if (is_assoc5($arr1) || is_assoc5($arr2) || is_assoc5($arr3) || is_assoc5($arr4) || !is_assoc5($arr5)) {
echo 'error';
$time[4] += microtime(true);
echo 'is_assoc1(): ' . $time[0] . "\n";
echo 'is_assoc2(): ' . $time[1] . "\n";
echo 'is_assoc3(): ' . $time[2] . "\n";
echo 'is_assoc4(): ' . $time[3] . "\n";
echo 'is_assoc5(): ' . $time[4] . "\n";
is_assoc1() - uses unset(), a bit slow, but mem friendly and no function calls
is_assoc2() - uses isset(), fastest one, but returns TRUE whenever array contains NULL
is_assoc3() - fixed is_assoc2(), uses array_key_exists(), fast and memory friendly, and much smarter than the following (no need to check all those keys)
is_assoc4() - alex' version with proper check and key sorting
is_assoc5() - fixed a bit JTS' version, really nice one, but uses too many functions and checks all keys
is_assoc1(): 2.1628699302673
is_assoc2(): 1.1079933643341
is_assoc3(): 1.7120850086212
is_assoc4(): 3.9194552898407
is_assoc5(): 1.9509885311127
Using is_array prior to an in_array within an if clause will safely escape a check against a variable that could potentially be a non-array when using in_array. For instance:
NOTE: A real use case might be that we have a list of possible flags which in a database we have stored whether each of the flags are 0 or 1. We want a list of the flags which have the value of 1 to be returned.
Our example here will not use so many technical artifacts, but will be based on similar logic just to get the point across.
// We have a list of known values
$knownVars = ['apple', 'orange'];
// A list of values to check
$listToCheck = ['pear', 'banana'];
// And a method that takes a list of values to check and returns a new list
// of the items from said list that are found to be valid...
public function getValidItemsList( $listToCheck /*['pear', 'banana']*/)
$returnList = [];
foreach($listToCheck as $key => $val)
if(in_array($val, $knownVars))
array_push($returnList, $val);
// We have a special case if there were no valid items found, which is the case we are going over
return -1;
// Otherwise, normally returns a list of the items that were found to be valid
return $returnList;
// Call the method and check for any valid items that can be used for some purpose
$validItemsList = getValidItemsList($listToCheck);
// In this usage we could potentially get an exception because
// in_array() expects an array for argument #2, checking that the value != -1 does not escape the if statement:
if(isset($validItemsList) && $validItemsList != -1 && in_array('apple', $validItemsList))
// In this usage, we break free from the if statement safely:
if(isset($validItemsList) && $validItemsList != -1 && is_array($validItemsList) && in_array('apple', $validItemsList))
Hope that can help someone, I know it helped me.
I would change the order of the comparison, because if it is really an empty array, it is better to stop at that point before doing several 'cpu & memory intensive' function calls.
In the end on a ratio of 3 not empty arrays to 1 empty array computed for 1000000 iterations it needed 10% less time.
Or the other way round:
It needed approx 3% to 4% more time if the array is not empty, but was at least 4 times faster on empty arrays.
Additionally the memory consumption veritably lesser.
function is_assoc($array) {
return (is_array($array) && (count($array)==0 || 0 !== count(array_diff_key($array, array_keys(array_keys($array))) )));
The is_associative_array() and is_sequential_array() functions posted by 'rjg4013 at rit dot edu' are not accurate.
The functions fail to recognize indexes that are not in sequence or in order. For example, array(0=>'a', 2=>'b', 1=>'c') and array(0=>'a', 3=>'b', 5=>'c') would be considered as sequential arrays. A true sequential array would be in consecutive order with no gaps in the indices.
The following solution utilizes the array_merge properties. If only one array is given and the array is numerically indexed, the keys get re-indexed in a continuous way. The result must match the array passed to it in order to truly be a numerically indexed (sequential) array. Otherwise it can be assumed to be an associative array (something unobtainable in languages such as C).
The following functions will work for PHP >= 4.
function is_sequential_array($var)
return (array_merge($var) === $var && is_numeric( implode( array_keys( $var ) ) ) );
function is_assoc_array($var)
return (array_merge($var) !== $var || !is_numeric( implode( array_keys( $var ) ) ) );
If you are not concerned about the actual order of the indices, you can change the comparison to == and != respectively.
And here is another variation for a function to test if an array is associative. Based on the idea by mot4h.
function is_associative($array)
if (!is_array($array) || empty($array))
return false;
$keys = array_keys($array);
return array_keys($keys) !== $keys;
A slight modification of what's below:
function is_assoc($array)
return is_array($array) && count($array) !== array_reduce(array_keys($array), 'is_assoc_callback', 0);
function is_assoc_callback($a, $b)
return $a === $b ? $a + 1 : 0;
Notice that the benchmark results from hperrin at gmail dot com have changed in the meantime:
is_array : 0.31888604164124
cast, === : 0.58448791503906
(Using PHP 5.6.24, I expect other results with PHP 7)
An error will be thrown If is_array() is applied to a nonexisting varble.
Using empty() in the previous example posted by Anonymous will result in a "Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context". I suggest using count() instead:
function is_assoc($array) {
return (is_array($array) && 0 !== count(array_diff_key($array, array_keys(array_keys($array)))));
This is probably the best way to test for associative arrays:
function is_assoc($test) {
if (empty($test)) { return(false); }
if (!is_array($test)) { return(false); }
return ($test !== array_values($test));
This version is based on the one from dmitry dot sushilov, which is unfortunately exactly opposite and misses the is_array and empty test.
Will check a Multi-Dimentional Array to any specified level. This is a fix to 11/16/05 submission, which would break since you must supply a foreach with an array. Beware recursive functions shouldn't go over 100 deep or could break the memory stack on server.
// checks for multiarray to defined depth level recursively
// original $level must be 2 or more, else will instantly return true
function isDeepMultiArray($multiarray, $level = 2) { // default is simple multiarray
if (is_array($multiarray)) { // confirms array
if ($level == 1) { // $level reaches 1 after specified # of recursions
return true; // returns true to recursive function conditional
} // end conditional
foreach ($multiarray as $array) { // goes one level deeper into array
if (isDeepMultiArray($array, $level - 1)) { // check subarray
$message = "I'm a multiarray"; // optional message
return $message; // best if $message = true so function returns boolean
} // end recursive function
} // end loop
} else { // not an array at specified level
return false; // is also used recursively so can't change to message
if (isDeepMultiArray(array(array()), 2)); // beware this returns true eventhough arrays are empty
BTW my notation is consistent with the PEAR manual on coding standards, which is what says to follow. I hope a function like this gets included in PHP6.
I'm using PHP 5.3.10 and the remark from hperrin is not (no longer?) valid
is_array is (now?) faster than if ( (array) $unknown !== $unknown )
my result of hperrins test script
is_array : 0.61710119247437
cast, === : 1.1551909446716
Here is something for compare `is_assoc` functions.
function is_assoc1($var)
return is_array($var) && array_diff_key($var, array_keys(array_keys($var)));
function is_assoc2($var)
return is_array($var) && array_diff_key($var, array_fill(0, count($var), null));
$count = 1000000;
$a = array('a' => 'foo', 'b' => 1, 'c' => true);
$b = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$i = $start_time = $end_time = 0;
$start_time = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
assert(is_assoc1($a) === true);
assert(is_assoc1($b) === false);
$end_time = microtime(true);
echo 'is_assoc1 : ' . ($end_time - $start_time) . "\n";
$start_time = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
assert(is_assoc2($a) === true);
assert(is_assoc2($b) === false);
$end_time = microtime(true);
echo 'is_assoc2 : ' . ($end_time - $start_time) . "\n";
It prints something like this:
% php is_assoc.php
is_assoc1 : 19.36315202713
is_assoc2 : 18.954080104828
The first one is from
skaimauve ( The second one is mine.
is_array() under PHP 5.0.2 will return FALSE when passed an object descended from the internal class interface ArrayAccess( even though said object behaves as an array would in most instances.
I've found the following user function helpful with my own classes and functions that expect array(s) as arguments, but work fine with objects that behave as an array would.
function is_array_abled(&$x)
return (bool)($x instanceof ArrayAccess or is_array($x));
Mike's function is quite cool, it is just the one, I was searching for. Using range is a great idea! But it's a bit long for me. Here is a shorter version:
function is_assoc_array($var) {
if (!is_array($var)) {
return false;
return array_keys($var)!==range(0,sizeof($var)-1);
Or, if you don't want to type that much:
function is_assoc($var) {
return is_array($var) && array_keys($var)!==range(0,sizeof($var)-1);
Or you could make use of the array_diff_key and range functions:
function isVector($var) { return count(array_diff_key($var, range(0, count($var) - 1))) == 0; }
function isAssociative($var) { return !isVector($var); }
Yet another associative array test:
function binary_nand ($a, $b) { return !$a && !$b; }
function binary_nor ($a, $b) { return !$a || !$b; }
// Returns true if array has elements with non-numeric keys
function is_associative_array ($arr) {
return is_array($arr) && !empty($arr) && array_reduce(array_map("is_numeric", array_keys($arr)), "binary_nor", true);
// Returns true if all elements of array have a non-numeric key
function is_strict_associative_array ($arr) {
return is_array($arr) && !empty($arr) && array_reduce(array_map("is_numeric", array_keys($arr)), "binary_nand", false);
If you wanted to have 'pure' associative arrays,
you could filter out non-string keys and then compare the count of the original array with the count of the filtered array.
// Only validates empty or completely associative arrays
function is_assoc ($arr) {
return (is_array($arr) && count(array_filter(array_keys($arr),'is_string')) == count($arr));
$a = '';
$b = 'z';
$c = array();
$d = array('x','y','z');
$e = array('x','y','zed'=>'z');
$f = array('ex'=>'x','why'=>'y','zed'=>'z');
echo '$a: ' . ( (is_assoc($a)) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."\n"; // False
echo '$b: ' . ( (is_assoc($b)) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."\n"; // False
echo '$c: ' . ( (is_assoc($c)) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."\n"; // True
echo '$d: ' . ( (is_assoc($d)) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."\n"; // False
echo '$e: ' . ( (is_assoc($e)) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."\n"; // False
echo '$f: ' . ( (is_assoc($f)) ? 'true' : 'false' ) ."\n"; // True
I've tested the point of checking whether the array is empty first.
The overall result was a 200% speed increase when the array was indeed empty,
but an average 10% slow when it had elements inside.
* Benchmarks: checking for empty array vs. not checking *
// With empty check
function is_assoc ($arr) {
return (is_array($arr) && (!count($arr) || count(array_filter(array_keys($arr),'is_string')) == count($arr)));
function test_speed($arr) {
$t = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < 100000; ++$i) is_assoc($arr);
return (microtime(true) - $t);
echo '$a: ' . test_speed($a) ."\n"; // 0.20597505569458
echo '$b: ' . test_speed($b) ."\n"; // 0.19199514389038
echo '$c: ' . test_speed($c) ."\n"; // 0.28803396224976
echo '$d: ' . test_speed($d) ."\n"; // 0.94685983657837
echo '$e: ' . test_speed($e) ."\n"; // 0.96698403358459
echo '$f: ' . test_speed($f) ."\n"; // 0.98052096366882
// Without empty check
function is_assoc_2 ($arr) {
return (is_array($arr) && count(array_filter(array_keys($arr),'is_string')) == count($arr));
function test_speed_2($arr) {
$t = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < 100000; ++$i) is_assoc_2($arr);
return (microtime(true) - $t);
echo '$a: ' . test_speed_2($a) ."\n"; // 0.18811202049255 = FASTER: 91.3% of is_assoc
echo '$b: ' . test_speed_2($b) ."\n"; // 0.18782901763916 = FASTER: 97.8% of is_assoc
echo '$c: ' . test_speed_2($c) ."\n"; // 0.64437484741211 = SLOWER: 223.7% of is_assoc
echo '$d: ' . test_speed_2($d) ."\n"; // 0.84632205963135 = FASTER: 89.4% of is_assoc
echo '$e: ' . test_speed_2($e) ."\n"; // 0.86739897727966 = FASTER: 89.7% of is_assoc
echo '$f: ' . test_speed_2($f) ."\n"; // 0.87963700294495 = FASTER: 89.7% of is_assoc
Simple check for a Multi-Dimentional Array of any depth
// checks for multiarray (2 or more levels deep)
function isMultiArray($multiarray) {
if (is_array($multiarray)) { // confirms array
foreach ($multiarray as $array) { // goes one level deeper
if (is_array($array)) { // is subarray an array
return true; // return will stop function
} // end 2nd check
} // end loop
} // end 1st check
return false; // not a multiarray if this far
hperrin at gmail dot com
i tested modified version of your code:
$test = array_fill(0, $size, rand());
$test3 = (object) $test;
Results are quite different!
PHP 5.5:
is_array - execution time is constant over different $size
cast, === - execution time is proportional with $size, for small arrays, it's faster than is_array, but for bigger arrays, it's way slower. Also, bigger memory allocation because casting actually allocates memory
PHP 7.0:
is_array and cast, === have constant execution time over different $size:
is_array : 0.12564396858215
cast, === : 0.24629783630371
Looks like casting is optimised, but still slower.
Bottom line is: optimisation is not done for special scenario, but for average use and scalability. Don't reinvent wheel.
Yet another safer, faster way of detecting whether an array is associative.
The principle is: using array reduction on the keys, we verify that each key is numeric and is equal to its rank.
Beware: integer keys that are not in sequence, or are negative, or with "holes", still make an associative array.
* @param array $arr
* @returns boolean
function isNotAssocArray($arr)
return (0 !== array_reduce(
create_function('$a, $b', 'return ($b === $a ? $a + 1 : 0);'),
Of course, it is still faster if the callback for array_reduce is not an anonymous function:
function callbackReduceNotArray($a, $b)
return ($b === $a ? $a + 1 : 0);
function isVector($arr)
return (0 !== array_reduce(