In case of UTF8 fields mysql_field_len() will return 3 times the maximum length (e.g. 30 for a VARCHAR(10) field)) for mysql_field_len() returns the byte length of the field not the defined size.
PHP - Manual: mysql_fetch_lengths
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
mysql_fetch_lengths — 取得结果集中每个输出的长度
): array
取得的行中每个字段的长度,如果出错返回 false
mysql_fetch_lengths() 将上一次 mysql_fetch_row(),mysql_fetch_array() 和 mysql_fetch_object() 所返回的每个列的长度储存到一个数组中,偏移量从 0 开始。
In case of UTF8 fields mysql_field_len() will return 3 times the maximum length (e.g. 30 for a VARCHAR(10) field)) for mysql_field_len() returns the byte length of the field not the defined size.