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PHP - Manual: token_get_all



(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

token_get_all将提供的源码按 PHP 标记进行分割


token_get_all(string $source): array

token_get_all() 解析提供的 source 源码字符,然后使用 Zend 引擎的语法分析器获取源码中的 PHP 语言的解析器代号

解析器代号列表见解析器代号列表, 或者使用 token_name() 翻译获取这个代号的字符串表示.



需要解析的 PHP 源码.


An array of token identifiers. Each individual token identifier is either a single character (i.e.: ;, ., or a three element array containing the token index in element 0, the string content of the original token in element 1 and the line number in element 2.


示例 #1 token_get_all() examples

token_get_all('<?php echo; ?>'); /* => array(
                                                  array(T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php'), 
                                                  array(T_ECHO, 'echo'),
                                                  array(T_CLOSE_TAG, '?>') ); */

/* Note in the following example that the string is parsed as T_INLINE_HTML
   rather than the otherwise expected T_COMMENT (T_ML_COMMENT in PHP <5).
   This is because no open/close tags were used in the "code" provided.
   This would be equivalent to putting a comment outside of <?php ?> tags in a normal file. */
$tokens token_get_all('/* comment */'); // => array(array(T_INLINE_HTML, '/* comment */'));


版本 说明
5.2.2 Line numbers are returned in element 2
add a noteadd a note

User Contributed Notes 8 notes

gomodo at free dot fr
12 years ago
Yes, some problems (On WAMP, PHP 5.3.0 ) with get_token_all()

1 : bug line numbers
Since PHP 5.2.2 token_get_all()  should return Line numbers in element 2..
.. but for instance (5.3.0 on WAMP), it work perfectly only with PHP code (not HMTL miwed), but if you have some T_INLINE_HTML detected by token_get_all() ,  sometimes you find wrongs line numbers  (return next line)... :(

2: bug warning message can impact loops
Warning with php code uncompleted (ex : php code line by line) :
for example if a comment tag is not closed  token_get_all()  can block loops on this  warning :
Warning: Unterminated comment starting line

This problem seem not occur in CLI mod (php command line), but only in web mod.

Waiting more stability, used token_get_all()  only on PHP code (not HMTL miwed) :
First extract entirely PHP code (with open et close php tag),
Second use token_get_all()  on the pure PHP code.

3 : Why there not function to extract PHP code (to extract HTML, we have Tidy..)?

Waiting, I used a function :

The code at end this post :

This function not support :
- Old notation :  "<?  ?>" and "<% %>"
- heredoc syntax
- nowdoc syntax (since PHP 5.3.0)
Dennis Robinson from basnetworks dot net
12 years ago
I wanted to use the tokenizer functions to count source lines of code, including counting comments.  Attempting to do this with regular expressions does not work well because of situations where /* appears in a string, or other situations.  The token_get_all() function makes this task easy by detecting all the comments properly.  However, it does not tokenize newline characters.  I wrote the below set of functions to also tokenize newline characters as T_NEW_LINE.


('T_NEW_LINE', -1);

$new_tokens = array();

// Get the tokens
$tokens = token_get_all($source);

// Split newlines into their own tokens
foreach ($tokens as $token)
$token_name = is_array($token) ? $token[0] : null;
$token_data = is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token;

// Do not split encapsed strings or multiline comments
if ($token_name == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING || substr($token_data, 0, 2) == '/*')
$new_tokens[] = array($token_name, $token_data);

// Split the data up by newlines
$split_data = preg_split('#(\r\n|\n)#', $token_data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

        foreach (
$split_data as $data)
            if (
$data == "\r\n" || $data == "\n")
// This is a new line token
$new_tokens[] = array(T_NEW_LINE, $data);
// Add the token under the original token name
$new_tokens[] = is_array($token) ? array($token_name, $data) : $data;


    if (
$token === T_NEW_LINE)



Example usage:


= token_get_all_nl(file_get_contents('somecode.php'));

foreach (
$tokens as $token)
    if (
        echo (
token_name_nl($token[0]) . ': "' . $token[1] . '"<br />');
        echo (
'"' . $token . '"<br />');


I'm sure you can figure out how to count the lines of code, and lines of comments with these functions.  This was a huge improvement on my previous attempt at counting lines of code with regular expressions.  I hope this helps someone, as many of the user contributed examples on this website have helped me in the past.
Ivan Ustanin
3 years ago
As a caution: when using TOKEN_PARSE with an invalid php-file, one can get an error like this:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '__construct' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) in  on line 15
Notice the missing filename as this function accepts a string, not a filename and thus has no idea of the latter.
However an exception would be more appreciated.
5 years ago
Not all tokens are returned as an array. The rule appears to be that if a token is not variable, but instead it is one particular constant string, it is returned as a string instead. You don't get a line number. This is the case for braces( "{", "}"), parentheses ("(", ")"), brackets ("[", "]"), comma (","), semi-colon (";"), and a whole slew of operator signs ("!", "=", "+", "*", "/", ".", "+=", ...).
6 years ago
The T_OPEN_TAG token will include the first trailing newline (\r, \n, or \r\n), tab (\t), or space. Any additional space after this token will be in a T_WHITESPACE token.

The T_CLOSE_TAG token will include the first trailing newline (\r, \n, or \r\n; as described here http://php.net/manual/en/language.basic-syntax.instruction-separation.php). Any additional space after this token will be in a T_INLINE_HTML token.
kevin at metalaxe dot com
14 years ago
Rogier, thanks for that fix. This bug still exists in php 5.2.5. I did notice though that it is possible for a notice to pop up from your code. Changing this line:

            $temp[] = $tokens[0][2];

To read this:

            $temp[] = isset($tokens[0][2])?$tokens[0][2]:'unknown';

fixes this notice.
14 years ago
Complementary note to code below:
Note that only the FIRST 2 (or 3, if needed) array elements will be updated.

Since I only encountered incorrect results on the FIRST occurence of T_OPEN_TAG, I wrote this quick fix.
Any other following T_OPEN_TAG are, on my testing system (Apache 2.0.52, PHP 5.0.3), parsed correctly.

So, This function assumes only a possibly incorrect first T_OPEN_TAG.
Also, this function assumes the very first element (and ONLY the first element) of the token array to be the possibly incorrect token.
This effectively translates to the first character of the tokenized source to be the start of a php script opening tag '<', followed by either 'php' OR '%' (ASP_style)


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