PHP - Manual: IntlChar::charName
(PHP 7, PHP 8)
IntlChar::charName — Retrieve the name of a Unicode character
, int $type
= IntlChar::UNICODE_CHAR_NAME): ?stringRetrieves the name of a Unicode character.
Depending on type
, the resulting character name is the "modern" name or the name that
was defined in Unicode version 1.0. The name contains only "invariant" characters like A-Z, 0-9, space, and '-'.
Unicode 1.0 names are only retrieved if they are different from the modern names and if ICU contains the data for them.
The corresponding name, or an empty string if there is no name for this character,
or null
if there is no such code point.
示例 #1 Testing different code points
var_dump(IntlChar::charName(".", IntlChar::UNICODE_CHAR_NAME));
string(9) "FULL STOP" string(9) "FULL STOP" string(7) "SNOWMAN" string(0) ""