PHP - Manual: 简介
此扩展是实验性的。 此扩展的行为,包括其函数的名称和围绕此扩展的相关文档都可能会在未来的 PHP 版本中发生变化而不另行通知。使用本扩展应自行承担风险。
GraphicsMagick prides itself as the swiss army knife of image processing. It works with over 88 major formats including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, PNM, and TIFF.
Gmagick consists of a main Gmagick class, a GmagickDraw class which is in effect a drawing wand and a GmagickPixel class of which instances represent a single pixel of an image (color, opacity).