
PHP官方手册 - 互联网笔记

PHP - Manual: 预定义变量



PHP 提供了许多 预定义变量。PHP 提供了一套附加的预定数组,这些数组变量包含了来自 web 服务器(如果可用),运行环境,和用户输入的数据。这些数组在每个作用域内自动可用。因此通常被称为自动全局变量(autoglobals)或者超全局变量(superglobals)。(PHP 中没有用户自定义超全局变量的机制。)详情参阅超全局变量列表

注意: 可变变量


如果某些 variables_order 中的变量没有设定,它们的对应的 PHP 预定义数组也是空的。


用户贡献的备注 4 notes

johnphayes at gmail dot com
18 years ago
I haven't found it anywhere else in the manual, so I'll make a note of it here - PHP will automatically replace any dots ('.') in an incoming variable name with underscores ('_'). So if you have dots in your incoming variables, e.g.:


you can not reference them by the name used in the URI:
echo $_GET['chuck.norris'];

instead you must use:
echo $_GET['chuck_norris'];
18 years ago
I have this function in my main files, it allows for easier SEO for some pages without having to rely on .htaccess and mod_rewrite for some things.
function long_to_GET(){
* This function converts info.php/a/1/b/2/c?d=4 TO
* Array ( [d] => 4 [a] => 1 [b] => 2 [c] => )
if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] != ''){
//Split it out.
$tmp = explode('/',$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']);
//Remove first empty item
//Loop through and apend it into the $_GET superglobal.
for($i=1;$i<=count($tmp);$i+=2){ $_GET[$tmp[$i]] = $tmp[$i+1];}

Its probably not the most efficient, but it does the job rather nicely.

lopez dot on dot the dot lists at yellowspace dot net
22 years ago
- Security Issue and workaround -
If You use "eval()" to execute code stored in a database or elsewhere, you might find this tip useful.

By default, all superglobals are known in every function.
Thus, if you eval database- or dynamically generated code (let's call it "potentially unsafe code"), it can use _all_ the values stored in _any_ superglobal.

Whenever you want to hide superglobals from use in evaluated code, wrap that eval() in an own function within which you unset() all the superglobals. The superglobals are not deleted by php in all scopes - just within that function. eg:

function safeEval($evalcode) {
// unset any other superglobal...
return eval($evalcode);

(This example assumes that the eval returns something with 'return')

In addition, by defining such a function outside classes, in the global scope, you'll make sure as well that the evaluated ('unsafe') code doesn't have access to the object variables ($this-> ...).
LouisGreen at pljg dot freeserve dot co dot uk
21 years ago
It seems that when you wish to export a varible, you can do it as return $varible, return an array(), or globalise it. If you return something, information for that varible can only travel one way when the script is running, and that is out of the function.

function fn() {
$varible = "something";

return $variable;

echo fn();
$newvariable = fn();

Although if global was used, it creates a pointer to a varible, whether it existed or not, and makes whatever is created in the function linked to that global pointer. So if the pointer was global $varible, and then you set a value to $varible, it would then be accessible in the global scope. But then what if you later on in the script redefine that global to equal something else. This means that whatever is put into the global array, the information that is set in the pointer, can be set at any point (overiden). Here is an example that might make this a little clearer:

function fn1() {

global $varible; // Pointer to the global array
$varible = "something";

echo $varible; // Prints something
$varible = "12345";
echo $varible; // Prints 12345

function fn2() {

global $varible; // Pointer to the global array
echo $varible;

fn2(); // echos $varible which contains "12345"

Basically when accessing the global array, you can set it refer to something already defined or set it to something, (a pointer) such as varible you plan to create in the function, and later possibly over ride the pointer with something else.


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