PHP - Manual: CollectionModify::bind
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CollectionModify::bind — Bind value to query placeholder
): mysql_xdevapi\CollectionModifyBind a parameter to the placeholder in the search condition of the modify operation.
The placeholder has the form of :NAME where ':' is a common prefix that must always exists before any NAME where NAME is the name of the placeholder. The bind method accepts a list of placeholders if multiple entities have to be substituted in the search condition of the modify operation.
Placeholder values to substitute in the search condition. Multiple values are allowed and have to be passed as an array of mappings PLACEHOLDER_NAME->PLACEHOLDER_VALUE.
A CollectionModify object that can be used to execute the command, or to add additional operations.
示例 #1 mysql_xdevapi\CollectionModify::bind() example
$session = mysql_xdevapi\getSession("mysqlx://user:password@localhost");
$session->sql("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook")->execute();
$session->sql("CREATE DATABASE addressbook")->execute();
$schema = $session->getSchema("addressbook");
$collection = $schema->createCollection("people");
$result = $collection
'{"name": "Bernie",
"traits": ["Friend", "Brother", "Human"]}')
->modify("name = :name")
->bind(['name' => 'Bernie'])
->arrayAppend('traits', 'Happy')
$result = $collection
Array ( [0] => Array ( [_id] => 00005b6b53610000000000000110 [name] => Bernie [traits] => Array ( [0] => Friend [1] => Brother [2] => Human [3] => Happy ) ) )