PHP - Manual: Building / Compiling From Source
Considerations for compiling this extension from source.
The extension name is 'mysql_xdevapi', so use --enable-mysql-xdevapi
Boost: required, optionally use the --with-boost=DIR configure option or set the MYSQL_XDEVAPI_BOOST_ROOT environment variable. Only the boost header files are required; not the binaries.
Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf): required, optionally use the --with-protobuf=DIR configure option or set the MYSQL_XDEVAPI_PROTOBUF_ROOT environment variable.
Optionally use make protobufs
to generate protobuf files (*,
and make clean-protobufs
to delete generate protobuf files.
Windows specific protobuf note: depending on your environment, the static library with a multi-threaded DLL runtime may be needed. To prepare, use the following options: -Dprotobuf_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME=OFF -Dprotobuf_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
Google Protocol Buffers / protocol compiler (protoc): required, ensure that proper 'protoc' is available in the PATH while building. It is especially important as Windows PHP SDK batch scripts may overwrite the environment.
Bison: required, and available from the PATH.
Windows specific bison note: we strongly recommended that bison delivered with the chosen PHP SDKis used else an error similar to "zend_globals_macros.h(39): error C2375: 'zendparse': redefinition; different linkage Zend/zend_language_parser.h(214): note: see declaration of 'zendparse'" may be the result. Also, Windows PHP SDK batch scripts may overwrite the environment.
Windows Specific Notes: To prepare the environment, see the official Windows build documentation for » the current SDK.
We recommend using the backslash '\\' instead of a slash '/' for all paths.