PHP - Manual: QuickHashIntHash::set
(PECL quickhash >= Unknown)
QuickHashIntHash::set — This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value, or adds a new one if the entry doesn't exist
This method tries to update an entry with a new value. In case the entry
did not yet exist, it will instead add a new entry. It returns whether the
entry was added or update. If there are duplicate keys, only the first
found element will get an updated value. Use
during hash creation to prevent duplicate
keys from being part of the hash.
The key of the entry to add or update.
The new value to set the entry with.
2 if the entry was found and updated, 1 if the entry was newly added or 0 if there was an error.
示例 #1 QuickHashIntHash::set() example
$hash = new QuickHashIntHash( 1024 );
echo "Set->Add\n";
var_dump( $hash->get( 46692 ) );
var_dump( $hash->set( 46692, 16091 ) );
var_dump( $hash->get( 46692 ) );
echo "Set->Update\n";
var_dump( $hash->set( 46692, 29906 ) );
var_dump( $hash->get( 46692 ) );
bool(false) int(2) int(16091) Set->Update int(1) int(29906)