PHP - Manual: Stomp::ack
(PECL stomp >= 0.1.0)
Stomp::ack -- stomp_ack — Acknowledges consumption of a message
面向对象风格 (method):
Acknowledges consumption of a message from a subscription using client acknowledgment.
仅对过程化样式:由 stomp_connect() 返回的 stomp 连接标识符。
The message/messageId to be acknowledged.
关联数组包含附加的头信息(例如: receipt)。
示例 #1 面向对象风格
$queue = '/queue/foo';
$msg = 'bar';
/* connection */
try {
$stomp = new Stomp('tcp://localhost:61613');
} catch(StompException $e) {
die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
/* send a message to the queue 'foo' */
$stomp->send($queue, $msg);
/* subscribe to messages from the queue 'foo' */
/* read a frame */
$frame = $stomp->readFrame();
if ($frame->body === $msg) {
/* acknowledge that the frame was received */
/* remove the subscription */
/* close connection */
示例 #2 过程化风格
$queue = '/queue/foo';
$msg = 'bar';
/* connection */
$link = stomp_connect('ssl://localhost:61612');
/* check connection */
if (!$link) {
die('Connection failed: ' . stomp_connect_error());
/* begin a transaction */
stomp_begin($link, 't1');
/* send a message to the queue 'foo' */
stomp_send($link, $queue, $msg, array('transaction' => 't1'));
/* commit a transaction */
stomp_commit($link, 't1');
/* subscribe to messages from the queue 'foo' */
stomp_subscribe($link, $queue);
/* read a frame */
$frame = stomp_read_frame($link);
if ($frame['body'] === $msg) {
/* acknowledge that the frame was received */
stomp_ack($link, $frame['headers']['message-id']);
/* remove the subscription */
stomp_unsubscribe($link, $queue);
/* close connection */
A transaction header may be specified, indicating that the message acknowledgment should be part of the named transaction.
Stomp is inherently asynchronous. Synchronous communication can be implemented adding a receipt header. This will cause methods to not return anything until the server has acknowledged receipt of the message or until read timeout was reached.