Here is an apache2 htaccess example that prevents the downloading of phar-Archives by the user:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.phar$ - [F]
It triggers a "403 - Forbidden" message instead of delivering the archive.
PHP - Manual: Phar
Here is an apache2 htaccess example that prevents the downloading of phar-Archives by the user:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)\.phar$ - [F]
It triggers a "403 - Forbidden" message instead of delivering the archive.
If you get blank pages when trying to access a phar web-page, then you probably have Suhosin on your PHP (like in Debian and Ubuntu), and you need to ad this to your php.ini to allow execution of PHAR archives :
Users should set the `sys_temp_dir` directive.
PHAR stores temporary files in either `sys_temp_dir` or the current working directory(CWD).
This is especially important if you're CWD is on a remote file system. Often web server clusters will share a common file system between each web server (using NFS, DFS, etc...). In such scenarios, if you don't set `sys_temp_dir` to a local directory, PHAR will be creating temporary files over the network, which will result in performance and functionality problems.
Here is a very simple program for creating phar files with CLI. Note that it requires phar.readonly in php.ini set to false (Off).
$filename = "default";
$dir = "./";
$regex = "/^(?!.*build\\.php)(?:.*)$/";
$main = "main.php";
$shebang = "#!/usr/bin/env php";
$chmod = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < $argc; $i++) {
switch ($argv[$i]) {
case "-o":
if ($i >= $argc) {
echo "Missing output file name" . PHP_EOL;
$filename = $argv[$i];
case "-i":
if ($i >= $argc) {
echo "Missing input directory name" . PHP_EOL;
$dir = $argv[$i];
case "-p":
if ($i >= $argc) {
echo "Missing regular expression pattern" . PHP_EOL;
$regex = $argv[$i];
case "-m":
if ($i >= $argc) {
echo "Missing main file" . PHP_EOL;
$main = $argv[$i];
case "-b":
if ($i >= $argc) {
echo "Missing shebang of file" . PHP_EOL;
$shebang = $argv[$i];
case "--no-chmod":
$chmod = false;
if (file_exists($filename)) unlink($filename);
$phar = new Phar($filename);
$phar->buildFromDirectory($dir, $regex);
$phar->setStub(($shebang ? $shebang . PHP_EOL : "") . $phar->createDefaultStub($main));
if ($chmod) {
chmod($filename, fileperms($phar) | 0700);
when read via phar://, stream will unserialize object including phar file
Use this to create phar
// create new Phar
$phar = new Phar('lemon.phar');
$phar->addFromString('test.txt', 'text');
$phar->setStub('<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ? >');
// add object of any class as meta data
class AnyClass {}
$object = new AnyClass;
$object->data = 'Chanh';
and read it by:
class AnyClass {
function __destruct() {
echo $this->data;
// output: Chanh
Here is a very simple class to build a phar file from a given source directory. You can use this for your own project and simple deployment.
But my main goal was to show how to use PHAR functions in a simple way.
class BuildPhar
private $_sourceDirectory = null;
private $_stubFile = null;
private $_outputDirectory = null;
private $_pharFileName = null;
* @param $_sourceDirectory // This is the directory where your project is stored.
* @param $stubFile // Name the entry point for your phar file. This file have to be within the source
* directory.
* @param null $_outputDirectory // Directory where the phar file will be placed.
* @param string $pharFileName // Name of your final *.phar file.
public function __construct($_sourceDirectory, $stubFile, $_outputDirectory = null, $pharFileName = 'myPhar.phar') {
if ((file_exists($_sourceDirectory) === false) || (is_dir($_sourceDirectory) === false)) {
throw new Exception('No valid source directory given.');
$this->_sourceDirectory = $_sourceDirectory;
if (file_exists($this->_sourceDirectory.'/'.$stubFile) === false) {
throw new Exception('Your given stub file doesn\'t exists.');
$this->_stubFile = $stubFile;
if(empty($pharFileName) === true) {
throw new Exception('Your given output name for your phar-file is empty.');
$this->_pharFileName = $pharFileName;
if ((empty($_outputDirectory) === true) || (file_exists($_outputDirectory) === false) || (is_dir($_outputDirectory) === false)) {
if ($_outputDirectory !== null) {
trigger_error ( 'Your output directory is invalid. We set the fallback to: "'.dirname(__FILE__).'".', E_USER_WARNING);
$this->_outputDirectory = dirname(__FILE__);
} else {
$this->_outputDirectory = $_outputDirectory;
private function prepareBuildDirectory() {
if (preg_match('/.phar$/', $this->_pharFileName) == FALSE) {
$this->_pharFileName .= '.phar';
if (file_exists($this->_pharFileName) === true) {
private function buildPhar() {
$phar = new Phar($this->_outputDirectory.'/'.$this->_pharFileName);
//END Class
//Example Usage:
$builder = new BuildPhar(