
PHP官方手册 - 互联网笔记

PHP - Manual: 预定义常量



下列常量由此扩展定义,且仅在此扩展编译入 PHP 或在运行时动态载入时可用。

Phar compression constants
Constant Value Description
Phar::NONE (int) 0x00000000 no compression
Phar::COMPRESSED (int) 0x0000F000 bitmask that can be used with file flags to determine if any compression is present
Phar::GZ (int) 0x00001000 zlib (gzip) compression
Phar::BZ2 (int) 0x00002000 bzip2 compression
Phar file format constants
Constant Value Description
Phar::PHAR (int) 1 phar file format
Phar::TAR (int) 2 tar file format
Phar::ZIP (int) 3 zip file format
Phar signature constants
Constant Value Description
Phar::MD5 (int) 0x0001 signature with md5 hash algorithm
Phar::SHA1 (int) 0x0002 signature with sha1 hash algorithm
Phar::SHA256 (int) 0x0003 signature with sha256 hash algorithm (requires hash extension)
Phar::SHA512 (int) 0x0004 signature with sha512 hash algorithm (requires hash extension)
Phar::OPENSSL (int) 0x0010 signature with OpenSSL public/private key pair. This is a true, asymmetric key signature.
Phar::OPENSSL_SHA256 (int)    
Phar::OPENSSL_SHA512 (int)    
Phar webPhar mime override constants
Constant Value Description
Phar::PHP (int) 0 used to instruct the mimeoverrides parameter of Phar::webPhar() that the extension should be parsed as a PHP file
Phar::PHPS (int) 1 used to instruct the mimeoverrides parameter of Phar::webPhar() that the extension should be parsed as a PHP source file through highlight_file()




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