I did not test well before posting previous code. This if statement works and the other does not.
if( ocicolumnscale($R, $i ) != 129 )
$int_decimal = ocicolumnscale($R, $i );
$int_length = ocicolumnprecision($R, $i) - $int_decimal;
PHP - Manual: oci_field_precision
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)
oci_field_precision — 返回字段精度
返回 column
对于 FLOAT 字段,精度不为零且小数位数为 -127。如果精度为 0,则字段为 NUMBER。其它类型为 NUMBER(precision, scale)。
有效的 OCI 语句标识符。
字段索引(从 1 开始)或者名称。
返回整数形式的精度, 或者在失败时返回 false
示例 #1 oci_field_precision() 示例
// 创建表:
// CREATE TABLE mytab (c1 NUMBER, c2 FLOAT, c3 NUMBER(4), c4 NUMBER(5,3));
$conn = oci_connect("hr", "hrpwd", "localhost/XE");
if (!$conn) {
$m = oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($m['message']), E_USER_ERROR);
$stid = oci_parse($conn, "SELECT * FROM mytab");
oci_execute($stid, OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY); // Use OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY if not fetching rows
$ncols = oci_num_fields($stid);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $ncols; $i++) {
echo oci_field_name($stid, $i) . " "
. oci_field_precision($stid, $i) . " "
. oci_field_scale($stid, $i) . "<br>\n";
// 输出:
// C1 0 -127
// C2 126 -127
// C3 4 0
// C4 5 3
I did not test well before posting previous code. This if statement works and the other does not.
if( ocicolumnscale($R, $i ) != 129 )
$int_decimal = ocicolumnscale($R, $i );
$int_length = ocicolumnprecision($R, $i) - $int_decimal;
I've found that when using ocicolumnprecision or oci_field_precision it will not show you the decimal places if you are are reading from tables with decimals. You can use ocicolumnscale or oci_field_scale to find the decimal.
if( ocicolumnscale($R, $i ) > 0 )
$int_decimal = ocicolumnscale($R, $i );
$int_length = ocicolumnprecision($R, $i) - $int_decimal;