PHP - Manual: Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
The extension contains an event subscriber API, which allows applications to monitor commands and internal activity pertaining to the » Server Discovery and Monitoring Specification. This tutorial will demonstrate command monitoring using the MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSubscriber interface.
The MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSubscriber
interface defines three methods: commandStarted
, and commandFailed
Each of these three methods accept a single event
argument of a specific class for the respective event. For example, the
's $event
is a MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent
In this tutorial we will implement a subscriber that creates a list of all the query profiles and the average time they took.
We start with the framework for our subscriber:
class QueryTimeCollector implements \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSubscriber
public function commandStarted( \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandStartedEvent $event ): void
public function commandSucceeded( \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent $event ): void
public function commandFailed( \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandFailedEvent $event ): void
Once a subscriber object is instantiated, it needs to be registered with the extensions's monitoring system. This is done by calling MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber() or MongoDB\Driver\Manager::addSubscriber() to register the subscriber globally or with a specific Manager, respectively.
\MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber( new QueryTimeCollector() );
With the object registered, the only thing left is to implement the logic
in the subscriber class. To correlate the two events that make up a
successfully executed command (commandStarted and commandSucceeded), each
event object exposes a requestId
To record the average time per query shape, we will start by checking for a
command in the commandStarted event. We will then add
an item to the pendingCommands
property indexed by its
and with its value representing the query shape.
If we receive a corresponding commandSucceeded event with the same
, we add the duration of the event (from
) to the total time and increment the
operation count.
If a corresponding commandFailed event is encountered, we just remove the
entry from the pendingCommands
class QueryTimeCollector implements \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSubscriber
private $pendingCommands = [];
private $queryShapeStats = [];
/* Creates a query shape out of the filter argument. Right now it only
* takes the top level fields into account */
private function createQueryShape( array $filter )
return json_encode( array_keys( $filter ) );
public function commandStarted( \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandStartedEvent $event ): void
if ( 'find' === $event->getCommandName() )
$queryShape = $this->createQueryShape( (array) $event->getCommand()->filter );
$this->pendingCommands[$event->getRequestId()] = $queryShape;
public function commandSucceeded( \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent $event ): void
$requestId = $event->getRequestId();
if ( array_key_exists( $requestId, $this->pendingCommands ) )
$this->queryShapeStats[$this->pendingCommands[$requestId]]['duration'] += $event->getDurationMicros();
unset( $this->pendingCommands[$requestId] );
public function commandFailed( \MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandFailedEvent $event ): void
if ( array_key_exists( $event->getRequestId(), $this->pendingCommands ) )
unset( $this->pendingCommands[$event->getRequestId()] );
public function __destruct()
foreach( $this->queryShapeStats as $shape => $stats )
echo "Shape: ", $shape, " (", $stats['count'], ")\n ",
$stats['duration'] / $stats['count'], "µs\n\n";
$m = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager( 'mongodb://localhost:27016' );
/* Add the subscriber */
\MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber( new QueryTimeCollector() );
/* Do a bunch of queries */
$query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query( [
'region_slug' => 'scotland-highlands', 'age' => [ '$gte' => 20 ]
] );
$cursor = $m->executeQuery( 'dramio.whisky', $query );
$query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query( [
'region_slug' => 'scotland-lowlands', 'age' => [ '$gte' => 15 ]
] );
$cursor = $m->executeQuery( 'dramio.whisky', $query );
$query = new \MongoDB\Driver\Query( [ 'region_slug' => 'scotland-lowlands' ] );
$cursor = $m->executeQuery( 'dramio.whisky', $query );